The Wolseley Hospitality Group abhor and under no circumstances tolerate forced labour, slavery or human trafficking of any kind from within our organisation, supply chains or our stakeholders.
The Wolseley Hospitality Group abide by all national and international legislation regarding employment law and human rights. We are committed to conducting our business with integrity and due care and respect to our stakeholders both internal and external to the company; and proactively hold our stakeholders to the same standards.
This statement will be updated annually and outlines The Wolseley Hospitality Group policy on slavery and human trafficking for the financial year ending on December 31 2018 as per section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
Group Structure
The Wolseley Hospitality Group currently operates as one UK based company:
The Wolseley, The Delaunay, Brasserie Zédel, Colbert, Fischer’s, Bellanger, Café Wolseley, Manzi’s and Soutine.
Our Supply Chains
The Wolseley Hospitality Group operate within international supply chains; however over 90% of our food and beverage purchases, and 85% of our non-food and beverage purchases are sourced from the UK and EU. Due to the high quality of ingredients and non-F&B items that we require, we work with specialist suppliers that are often family owned, and have done so for many years. Aside from our contractual rights, we are able to exercise little or no control over the operations of our suppliers.
We have developed strong relationships with many of our suppliers. We visit them regularly and annually engage in various specific employee training programmes with them. These programmes up skill our employees and enable them to experience first-hand how our ingredients are sourced, processed and distributed.
Due Diligence Processes for Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking
Wherever possible we will only source ingredients and produce from certified suppliers.
We require all our suppliers and sub-contractors to operate within our Supplier Code of Conduct and adhere to the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
With regard to our business partners and suppliers, we select such parties carefully and as summarised below, where possible, conduct due diligence on them so that we are comfortable that we are doing business with trusted, known parties. We encourage them to comply with our policies and standards, often raising awareness of our policies as part of our procurement tender processes, for example, or we expect that they will have in place similar such policies. We also endeavour to include contractual clauses that require them to comply with applicable laws and our Group Human Rights Policy. Our approach is to develop long-term relationships with business partners and suppliers whose policies, values and cultures are aligned with our own.
Policies in Relation to Slavery & Human Trafficking:
Supplier Code of Conduct:
This is distributed to all current and potential suppliers.We have referred to the ‘Ethical Standards Initiatives Code of labour practice’ which is based on the standards of the International Labour Organisation (ILO); and the UK governmental guidance: ‘Transparency in Supply Chains etc – a practical guide’ in relation to the standards we require from our stakeholders.
Whistle Blowing Policy:
All employees are encouraged to have a sense of shared ownership within the culture and practices of the company and to disclose any concerns surrounding any aspect of the business.
Recruitment Procedures: all employees and contractors are subject to right to work checks as stipulated by UK legislation.
The Wolseley Hospitality Group is committed to supporting the eradication of trafficking and modern slavery within our industry, and will continue to review and improve upon our existing policies, processes and relationships with our suppliers.
The Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking policy is available for all our employees to access, and we are currently in the process of developing training for our employees involved in the procurement of our supply chain.